■ フィリップさんの日記 ■

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Myfirst few days at the camp were interesting. I must say that I was a bit scared at the first day because almost everybody in the camp understands Japanese but me. I felt a bit a part the next day everything was okay. 
Now I have a lot of fun with the people around. It is cool because everybody seems to enjoy the camp and we have a good team spirit. 
As for the food, we have a lot and we eat very well.
I cannot wait to see around here since we did not really had time to look around yet.

Sunday, October 29, 2006
I think today was the best day I have had since of the beginning of the workcamp. And thanks to Mr. Nagai. Since I met him yesterday night (Saturday), I have a very good impression of him. He took the time to explain to us what he was doing and what were the objectives of our work. You can see passion in his eyes when he talks, even though I do not understand what he says. One thing is sure is that he knows what he is talking about. I was very sad not to be able to speak Japanese because I would have had so many questions and discussions with this man. I will have to learn and then come back another time maybe!
I cannot say we worked hard since the beginning of the camp, but I have the impression that we are helping and I feel we have a good team spirit.
At this time next week the camp will already be over. Time sure goes fast. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Yesterday, we had our free day. I liked it since we had a wonderful day. The sun was out all day long. I liked especially to stay by the river without doing anything. 
Today was out first day in the field. It was another sunny day. It is the first day that I have the impression to work all day long. Although, I don’t think that we will have work for 5 days since we go pretty fast. I find it very interesting to go to work using the bicycles. It makes it very quiet and it is obviously better for the environment.

Friday, November 03, 2006 
Tomorrow is already the last day of the camp. It is going very quickly. The last workdays have been great. Although we do not have the same speed and motivation as the first days, it is going fairly well and we should finish by tomorrow. The workcamp has been very great, Mr. Nagai is a very impressive person that believes in what he is doing. He is a great leader so the people follow him. It is always interesting to spend an evening or some time with him. I am very happy of my workcamp and the group spirit that we had, Thanks to everyone. 
I want to say a work also on Rika. She is a very dedicated person. At the middle evaluation she asked us to talk more with the local people because they were great and it was worth. I noticed that she was very included in the local community and everybody seem always happy to talk to her. I do believe that everybody has the power to change and, hopefully, improve the world that we live in. To me, she is an example to follow in that sense because she changed her world and the one of a local community that will probably never forget her. Congratulations to her for her work done.

Sunday, November 05, 2006
The workcamp is now over. The last day was really intense for me. Not only we worked with around 25 people in the fields so that it made the work go a lot faster, but we had the chance to go to do some hiking in the mountain. That was really incredible since we had to hold a rope to go up and down. I really enjoyed it. Then we had our last dinner with local people. The bad thing is that we were so exhausted that I could not enjoy it as much as I would have liked. In the end, it was a great workcamp. I found the group ordinary since I could not participate in all the conversations because I do not speak Japanese, however Mr. Nagai impressed me a lot and I found him very interesting. As for the local people, I wish I could have spoken more with them. 
Thanks to Shirakami mountains.
ワークキャンプは、今日で終わりを迎える。昨日は非常に充実した一日となった。まず、苗床で25人もの人たちと作業をし、とても早く終わらせることが出来た。さらに、その後山へハイキングに行った。ロープを持って登ったり下りたりしなくてはならず、言葉では表すことが出来ないくらいに面白かった。その後、地元の方たちと最後の夕食を食べた。残念なことに、疲れていたので思っていたほど楽しむことが出来なかった。とにかく、すばらしいワークキャンプだった。日本語を話せず会話に加わることが出来ないときもあったけれど、永井さんの話に感銘を受け、彼がとても興味深い人であると感じた。地元の人たちとは、もっと会話をすることが出来たらよかったと思う。 白神山地、ありがとう。